Guedwig Bernier

Leadership candidate
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Entering the leadership race is a natural extension of my commitment to Projet Montréal. From my involvement in the ethno-cultural sub-committee to the presidency I assumed from 2020 to 2024, I've listened to members' concerns. As president, I worked alongside our teams to strengthen the party, took part in caucuses of elected officials and supported them in their decisions. On numerous occasions, in the media and in various communities, I have passionately shared and defended Projet Montréal's ideas and vision.

Guedwig Bernier
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Montréal is a metropolis rich in opportunities, but also facing major challenges. As leader of Projet Montréal and future mayor, my vision for this city builds on the party's successes, while meeting the expectations of an evolving city. I want this campaign to be a platform for engaging and inspiring all Montrealers. I intend to introduce bold, innovative ideas to ensure that Montreal is a must for everyone who chooses this city, that it remains a peaceful and safe city for all, a city that is the envy of the world.

My priorities are communication, inclusion, quality of life and sustainability. My goal is to broaden the dialogue to include all city stakeholders and thus reduce divisions on the critical issues we face and will face in the future. I'm thinking of mobility, the housing crisis, homelessness and climate change.

I'm a firm believer in the power of consensus. I'm known for my ability to build bridges between people. My involvement in recruitment during the last elections is testimony to my vision of an inclusive city. However, inclusiveness is not just about skin color or ethnic origin! An inclusive city is one that is accessible for people with mobility issues, for young people and for families; a city where everyone, including the most vulnerable, will find housing within their means. Quality of life should not be confined to affluent neighborhoods. Decent housing, safety, cleanliness, culture and sporting activities must be accessible throughout the territory, whether we live in Montréal-Nord, the Village, Parc-Extension, Rivière-des-Prairies, Lachine or Plateau-Mont-Royal. In short, a city that makes us dream!

For over 25 years, I've pursued a career in management and marketing, leading teams and major projects with budgets in the millions. At the same time, I've always been involved as a volunteer in various organizations and institutions, whether as a member or on boards of directors.
Together, I'm convinced we can make Montreal an even more inclusive, resilient and forward-looking city. My commitment is to ensure that every citizen has his or her place and can contribute to the development of our metropolis.