The City of Montreal presents its 2023-2025 commitments to accelerate the transformation of the municipal apparatus

28 May 2024


Go back to NewsThe City of Montreal presents its 2023-2025 commitments to accelerate the transformation of the municipal apparatus

In constant action to combat racism and systemic discrimination, the Ville de Montréal presents its 17 commitments for 2023-2025, which will strengthen and consolidate the systemic transformations of the municipal apparatus.

These commitments, grouped under five headings, aim to ensure that the city is representative of its population, and that everyone can achieve their full potential and feel safe in the metropolis. Developed by the Office of the Commissioner to Combat Racism and Systemic Discrimination (BRDS), these 5 components are inspired by the 38 recommendations issued at the end of the consultation process carried out by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM). They aim to establish :

  • An administration free of racism and systemic discrimination;
  • Urban security without profiling;
  • Cultural equity;
  • Economic and territorial equity;
  • Inclusive citizen participation.
“Fighting racism and systemic discrimination is an ongoing task. The city of Montreal is taking its responsibilities and taking action. Direct, indirect or systemic racism or any form of discrimination: zero tolerance. And it starts with us, as a workplace. We demand that all central departments and boroughs set an example in creating a healthy, safe working environment, free from racism and discrimination. There are still systemic barriers to be broken down, and we are giving ourselves all the means necessary to achieve this,” emphasized Gracia Kasoki Katahwa, responsible for human resources, the fight against racism and systemic discrimination and delegate for reconciliation with aboriginal peoples on the executive committee of the Ville de Montréal.

“Fighting racism and systemic discrimination is a commitment that we make on a daily basis within the City. It's a commitment that everyone must embody. Thanks to the collaboration of every department, every borough, every stakeholder, every manager and every employee, we continue to make progress towards a city free of racism and discrimination, towards a city that is inclusive and truly representative of its population", declared the Commissioner for Combating Racism and Systemic Discrimination, Bochra ManaFor an administration free of racism and systemic discrimination

The city of Montreal is committed to being an exemplary employer, and this exemplarity involves the prevention of racism and discrimination issues, as well as employee support. To this end, the regulatory change to the Politique du respect de la personne and the implementation of the Centrale d'accompagnement du personnel en matière de plaintes (CAPP) marked a turning point in the last year in the posture that the city wishes to embody.

Over the next few months, the city will be launching an awareness-raising campaign aimed at all its staff, to strengthen their ability to respond to issues of racism and discrimination.

Towards public safety free from profiling

Montréal is adopting a series of commitments to ensure systemic changes in the fight against profiling, notably through the diversification of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) and the review of recruit integration practices. An action plan to combat discrimination and racism at the SPVM is also underway.For cultural equity

It is important that Montreal's culture of diversity be embodied in the municipal ecosystem. Montréal is committed to including issues of racism and systemic discrimination in the consultations and development of its Cultural Policy 2024-2030. The issues of racism, systemic discrimination, inclusion, diversity, representativeness and ADS+ will be addressed across all themes during the consultations leading to the development of this policy.

For territorial and economic equity

It is essential to reduce the territorial inequities most directly affecting vulnerable, racialized and aboriginal populations. The vision of territorial equity makes it possible to respond in a structuring and sustainable way to the challenges of systemic discrimination. This issue is anchored in the work of the City, which will use its Living Environment Equity Index to guide and prioritize funding and projects.

The city will also continue to ensure that municipal investments are better distributed on the basis of evidence-based data, and to link greening interventions to issues of racism and systemic discrimination to ensure greater environmental justice between citizens.For inclusive civic participation

Montreal is committed to increasing the civic participation of racialized and aboriginal people in the city, notably through a Participatory Budget that includes Montreal's diversity, and support for large-scale events that showcase Afro-Montreal and aboriginal populations.

As recommended by the OCPM, the City of Montreal will continue to report annually on its actions to combat racism and systemic discrimination.

Consult the Commitments 2023-2025