Montréal annonce un projet d'entente majeur pour la protection des milieux naturels et le développement économique de la métropole

16 Oct 2024


Go back to NewsMontréal annonce un projet d'entente majeur pour la protection des milieux naturels et le développement économique de la métropoleParc-nature des Sources, acquisitions Ville de Montréal (Groupe CNW/Ville de Montréal - Cabinet de la mairesse et du comité exécutif)

The City of Montreal and Hypertec mark a major milestone in the protection of natural environments in the Parc-nature des Sources, an area of high ecological value. The signing of a strategic agreement will enable the City of Montreal to acquire the equivalent of almost 11 new hectares, which will consolidate the Sources nature park, while ensuring the relocation of a leading technology company generating 800 jobs in the metropolis. The equivalent of nearly 14 soccer fields will be added to the area's natural environments, contributing directly to the City of Montreal's objective of protecting 10% of its territory by 2030.

Combining economic development and environmental protection

This strategic partnership embodies a model of effective collaboration between the public and private sectors, demonstrating how common goals can be achieved to protect natural environments, ensure the economic vitality of the metropolis and facilitate the creation of quality jobs on the Montreal territory.

Under the terms of this draft bilateral agreement, which is conditional on due diligence by each party, the City undertakes to acquire several Groupe Hypertec properties in the Technoparc, representing a surface area of almost 11 hectares, at a cost of $30.6 million plus taxes. These lands, located in the borough of Saint-Laurent, will be permanently integrated into the Sources nature park. At the same time, the city has undertaken to sell the Société a vacant lot in the process of being rehabilitated, covering an area of 3.7 hectares in the borough of LaSalle, at a cost of $12.6 million, plus taxes. The land will be dedicated to the construction of a sustainable, state-of-the-art industrial building.

A strategic headquarters for the Lachine Canal 4.0 sector in LaSalle

In choosing LaSalle as its new home, Hypertec plans to invest significantly in the construction of its new global headquarters. The site will include a manufacturing plant for cutting-edge sustainable technology products, as well as research and development laboratories. The future building will stand out for its innovative approach to sustainability, and will become a global benchmark for eco-responsible construction. Thanks to this acquisition, Hypertec will be able to maintain its main operations in Montreal and create several hundred well-paid jobs in a sector of the future, reinforcing the ambitions of the Lachine Canal 4.0 economic hub.

Parc-nature des Sources - a natural environment worth protecting

The Parc-nature des Sources is home to a wealth of natural environments and biodiversity, including over 200 bird species and endangered species such as the monarch butterfly. It lies at the heart of an industrial sector, with Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport to the south and the Technoparc to the north. Its consolidation is perfectly aligned with the city's commitment to protecting biodiversity, strongly reaffirmed at the COP 15 biodiversity conference held in Montreal.

To support the major investments required to complete this project, the Ville de Montréal will receive financial assistance of up to $4.4 million from the Government of Quebec and the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), as part of the Greater Montreal Green and Blue Network program. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) also intends to participate in this project by making a contribution to the City of Montreal, linked to the Accelerating Conservation in Southern Quebec (ACSQ) project funded by the Quebec government.

Bilateral agreement in figures

  • Acquisition of 11 hectares of Hypertec land by Ville de Montréal: $30.6 million

  • Acquisition of City of Montreal lands by Hypertec: $12.6 million

Partners' contributions to Hypertec's land acquisition

  • Financial contribution from the CMM and the Quebec government: $4.4 million

  • Financial contribution from the Nature Conservancy of Canada: $2 million


“The protection of these natural environments is excellent news for the City of Montreal. It's thanks to initiatives like this one that we're able to protect a greater diversity of animal and plant species, as well as their habitats, which can be difficult in an urban environment. I'd like to thank all the partners who have rallied to the cause. It is by working together that we will succeed in preserving our rich natural heritage.” - Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks.

“The success of this partnership demonstrates our administration's ability to combine economic development with environmental protection. This long-term effort has enabled us to implement a win-win solution that will protect the area's important biodiversity, facilitate the expansion of a Montreal-based company and create 200 new quality jobs in the area. This agreement demonstrates that economic development and the environment are inseparable levers for ensuring a green, resilient and prosperous future for the metropolis.” - Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal.

“Since its foundation, Hypertec has always placed innovation and sustainable development at the heart of its mission. We are proud to join forces with the City of Montreal and various stakeholders to bring two major projects to fruition: the construction of a new plant, designed to be a world benchmark in sustainable technological practices, and the preservation of local biodiversity through the extension of the Sources nature park. This partnership illustrates our commitment to combining economic development and environmental responsibility, demonstrating that these two objectives can not only coexist, but reinforce each other.” - Eliot Ahdoot, Head of Innovation and Sustainable Development at Hypertec.

“Hypertec's arrival on our territory solidifies the LaSalle borough's position as a key player in Montreal's economic ecosystem. We are proud to welcome this innovative project, perfectly aligned with our vision of economic development and ecological transition. By choosing to locate its head office in LaSalle, Hypertec confirms the attractiveness and vitality of our borough, marked by demographic growth, dynamic real estate development, a flourishing commercial offer and the presence of quality services.” - Nancy Blanchet, Mayor of the Borough of Lasalle.

“This initiative will not only preserve an area rich in habitats and biodiversity, but also maintain the essential ecological connectivity between the Parc-nature des Sources and natural environments further north. Each new acquisition represents a step forward towards our goal of conserving 30% of the metropolitan territory by 2030, and our ability to create a greener, more sustainable region for future generations. This is excellent news for all citizens of Greater Montreal. - Massimo Lezzoni, General Manager of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

“The Nature Conservancy of Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to the long-term conservation of precious natural environments. We are pleased to collaborate with the City of Montreal to protect this ecologically rich site for the benefit of nature and the public. The City's commitment to integrate this area into an urban park and to obtain protected area status demonstrates a shared vision of preserving and enhancing natural spaces for present and future generations.” - Carine Deland, Director of Conservation at the Nature Conservancy of Canada in Quebec.

“Technoparc Oiseaux is delighted with today's decision by the City of Montreal to acquire and protect 11 hectares of wetlands, urban forests and wastelands in the municipal sector of the Parc-nature des Sources. This action - the fruit of citizen, scientific and union mobilization - is a major victory for conservation. We salute the commitment of Hypertec, the City of Montreal, the CMM, the MELCCFP and the CNC, for this fine example of collaboration in conservation. Many thanks also to all stakeholders for their openness to dialogue over the past 18 months. Today marks a remarkable step towards that near future when the entire Parc-nature des Sources, including all remaining federal and private lands, will be fully protected and restored, for the benefit of all.” - Katherine Collin, President, Technoparc Oiseaux

“The Conseil du patronat du Québec salutes the initiative of the City of Montreal and Hypertec, which successfully combines the protection of natural environments with economic development. This strategic partnership demonstrates that it is possible to reconcile the preservation of our ecological heritage with the creation of quality jobs and the strengthening of the metropolis' competitiveness.” - Karl Blackburn, President and CEO of the Conseil du patronat du Québec.

About Hypertec

Hypertec is a world leader in information technologies and cloud infrastructures dedicated to artificial intelligence. Founded in 1984, the company is celebrating its 40th anniversary in Montreal this year. The company currently employs over 700 people worldwide, and serves more than 3,000 customers in 80 countries, positioning itself as a leading technology partner on a global scale.

About the Greater Montréal Green and Blue Network

The Green and Blue Network is a recreational and tourism network that protects and enhances the natural environments, landscapes and built heritage of Greater Montreal, for the benefit of its citizens. Financed by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, the Québec government and municipalities, the numerous projects of the Trame promote active and public transportation, and contribute to maintaining biodiversity, mitigating the impacts of climate change, improving the quality of life of citizens and enhancing the attractiveness of the metropolitan region. To find out more, visit