Montréal invests $7.2 million in youth violence prevention projects

17 Jan 2024


Go back to NewsMontréal invests $7.2 million in youth violence prevention projectsVille de Montréal
Mobilized to prevent and reduce violence, the Ville de Montréal is announcing an investment of $7.2 million over the next 2 years for 46 projects developed by community organizations. This support will help prevent violence and enhance the safety of children and young people in vulnerable situations in the city.

The projects funded are part of the Prévention Montréal program, which was launched in 2023 with municipal funding as well as a grant from the Quebec government's Ministère de la Sécurité publique, thanks to funding from the Government of Canada through the Building Safer Communities Fund. This program supports community work, social mediation, street work and the fight against street harassment. It also focuses on mobilizing and consulting children, young people and their families through forums, discussion workshops, café-rencontres and projects that encourage them to speak out.

"Young people are at the heart of Montreal's public safety model, and we are committed to providing them with opportunities and a more level playing field. With this $7.2 million in funding for 46 youth projects run by community organizations, we are reaffirming our commitment to strengthening prevention in the fight against violence. We are proud to support community organizations, which play a crucial role in neighborhoods and in the lives of young people. This common front must be pursued with all our partners to give our young people every opportunity to flourish, and to keep our metropolis safe," declared Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante.

"We must continue to facilitate the development of actions that place young people at the heart of violence prevention initiatives. With this $7.2 million investment, we are giving community organizations the means to continue their essential prevention work, under the best possible conditions. This is what will ensure the success of young people's mobilization to improve their living environments," points out Josefina Blanco, who is responsible for diversity, social inclusion, homelessness, universal accessibility, the status of women, youth and seniors on the executive committee.

Financial support for native youth

Among the 46 projects selected, the City is allocating $1.3 million to 4 organizations for initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of First Nations and Inuit youth:

- 754,680 to the Makivik Corporation, to implement actions that will reinforce the safety of Inuit at risk of homelessness in Montreal, notably by increasing the presence of street workers dedicated to this population;

- 211,420 to the Mikana organization's 2SLGBTQIA+ project to promote safety, well-being and awareness of the realities of Aboriginal youth;

- 160,000 to Tasiutigiit to provide community support, social and cultural activities, drop-in centers and workshops for Aboriginal youth in foster care, adoptive families and group homes in the Montreal area;

- 200,000 to Montréal Autochtone for Camp Ioráhkote, a summer and spring break camp with a year-round weekend activity club, as well as seasonal outdoor outings and traditional workshops for families.

« Aujourd'hui, en adéquation avec sa Stratégie de réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones, la Ville de Montréal fait un pas de plus pour soutenir les citoyennes et les citoyens des Premières Nations et Inuit. Le soutien de 1,3 M$ que nous versons à 4 de nos précieux partenaires permettra de bonifier l'offre d'intervention et d'activités culturellement adaptées aux besoins des différentes communautés. Je suis heureuse que la Ville soutienne nos partenaires pour qu'ils puissent offrir des activités gratuites et accessibles. Grâce à eux, davantage de jeunes des Premières Nations et Inuit bénéficieront de services diversifiés et les plus vulnérables trouveront une aide adaptée », a ajouté Alia Hassan-Cournol, conseillère associée à la mairesse et à la réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones.

Here is the list of organizations that have received funding:

  • La Puce ressource informatique;
  • Corporation L'Espoir;
  • Les ateliers Speech;
  • Le Regroupement pour la Trisomie 21;
  • Cirque Hors Piste;
  • Missions Exeko;
  • Montréal Autochtone;
  • Événements Prima Danse;
  • Association Tasiutigiit pour familles interculturelles d'enfants inuits et autochtones;
  • Enfants transgenres Canada;
  • MU;
  • Accueil aux immigrants de l'Est de Montréal;
  • Réseau réussite Montréal;
  • Centre d'intégration à la vie active pour les personnes vivant avec un handicap physique;
  • Bureau de la communauté haïtienne de Montréal;
  • Rue Action Prévention Jeunesse;
  • La Converse;
  • Equitas - Centre international d'éducation aux droits humains;
  • Les Grands Ballets canadiens;
  • Centre socioéducatif Lasallien;
  • Conseil communautaire Notre-Dame-de-Grâce;
  • Regroupement Entre-mamans;
  • Centre social d'aide aux immigrants;
  • Fédération des femmes du Québec;
  • Les YMCA du Québec;
  • Regroupement des organismes communautaires famille de Montréal;
  • Jeunesse au Soleil;
  • GRIP Montréal;
  • Hoodstock;
  • Fondation de L'ASÉQ;
  • Société Makivik;
  • Réseau outils de paix;
  • Desta Black Youth Network;
  • Centre des femmes de Verdun;
  • Carrefour de ressources en Interculturel;
  • Sayaspora;
  • Association jamaïcaine de Montréal;
  • Projet ado communautaire en travail de rue;
  • Organisme Ballroom pour la communauté;
  • Coalition Pozé;
  • Bureau associatif pour la diversité et la réinsertion;
  • Mikana;
  • Centre d'éducation et d'action des femmes de Montréal;
  • Connexion justice sociale;
  • Centre international pour la prévention de la criminalité;
  • Centre d'aide aux victimes d'actes criminels de Montréal.