New version of the bylaw for a mixed metropolis - For a better supply of social, affordable and family housing

05 Nov 2020


Go back to NewsNew version of the bylaw for a mixed metropolis - For a better supply of social, affordable and family housing

The Mayor of Montréal, Valérie Plante, and the Executive Committee member responsible for Property Management and Planning, Housing, Large Parks and Parc Jean-Drapeau, Robert Beaudry, are proud to present the updated version of the bylaw for a mixed metropolis.

"If we want more families to stay in Montréal, we must ensure that we have a housing market that is geared towards them. The COVID-19 crisis has hit the most vulnerable populations, families and middle-income households hard, especially those who want to own a home in Montréal. With the by-law for a mixed metropolis, we are equipping ourselves with the tools to build a welcoming living environment throughout Montréal, where housing at a reasonable price is possible and where families can afford to settle down," declared Montréal Mayor Valérie Plante.

"Construction in Montréal must be diversified to meet the needs of everyone. We have taken note of the recommendations of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) and we have also heard the concerns of the construction industry. With this new version of the by-law, we are striking a balance between the need for more social, affordable and family housing and the natural development of the private market," said Robert Beaudry.

An improved by-law

The main changes included in the new version of the by-law concern the affordability aspects and are aimed at providing more affordable, more permanent housing that is accessible to households in need.

In order to maintain the lowest possible economic impact on real estate developers, the construction requirements for affordable housing will be concentrated in the densification sectors of the metropolis. As soon as the by-law comes into effect, a zone in the borough of Saint-Laurent will be targeted, for example. The affordable housing component will be applied progressively, with the development of new real estate markets and new neighbourhoods, to ensure that the future of Montréal develops in an inclusive and mixed manner.

Significant benefits

The by-law for a mixed metropolis will maximize the benefits of the various housing programs of the city and of higher governments, by encouraging private projects to integrate subsidized housing. This will ensure the mix of neighbourhoods undergoing transformation through the construction of 600 social housing units per year. The regulation will also create a new mechanism to protect older rental buildings where affordable rents are to be maintained. In addition, it will allow the emergence of a new mid-range market, between social housing and property ownership. Finally, it should lead to the creation of 500 family homes at market prices per year. The impact of the by-law will significantly improve the diversity of supply on the Montréal real estate market.

By-law for a mixed metropolis

Applicable as of April 1, 2021, this by-law provides a framework for the granting of construction permits for real estate projects of five units or more. In order to obtain a residential construction permit, the developer must enter into an agreement with the City of Montréal to improve the supply of social, affordable and family housing, either through the construction of housing units, the transfer of land or a financial contribution.

The by-law for a mixed metropolis is one of the many mechanisms that Montreal has adopted to act on housing and to ensure an inclusive metropolis. It is in addition to the right of first refusal, the purchase of land by the city for social housing projects, the new subsidy programs and the AccèsLogis Montréal program, among others.

A 20-day written consultation will conclude the process that began in the fall of 2019.