Unveiling of the first real estate project in the Lachine-Est sector

13 May 2024

Go back to NewsUnveiling of the first real estate project in the Lachine-Est sectorSylvain Légaré

Déterminés à accélérer la construction d'unités d'habitation et à offrir plus de logements sociaux, le gouvernement du Québec et la Ville de Montréal ont dévoilé le premier projet immobilier qui sera construit dans l'écoquartier Lachine-Est. Ce projet de près de 600 unités est le premier projet montréalais accéléré dans le cadre de la Loi modifiant diverses dispositions législatives en matière d'habitation et comprendra un bâtiment d'au moins 94 logements sociaux sur le site, en vertu du Règlement pour une métropole mixte de la Ville de Montréal.

Le projet de logements sociaux Habitation Harmonie est porté par l'organisme Société d'amélioration de Pointe Saint-Charles, en partenariat avec le groupe de ressources techniques Bâtir son quartier. Le projet verra le jour grâce à une subvention accordée via le Programme d'habitation abordable Québec et à la subvention de la Ville de Montréal via le Fonds du logement social métropolitain. Les locataires des logements sociaux auront droit au Programme de supplément au loyer Québec intégré.

Avec le PPU Lachine-Est, la Ville souhaite transformer ce quartier en un milieu de vie et d'emploi inspirant, résilient et inclusif. Le développement sera axé sur le transport actif et collectif, un réseau d'espaces verts, l'accès à l'eau et la mise en valeur du patrimoine industriel.

Selon les prévisions, les travaux pourraient débuter dès 2025 afin d'accueillir les premiers locataires en 2027.


"The Quebec government is proud to announce the financing of nearly 100 housing units through the Quebec Affordable Housing Program. This is the first step in an ambitious project that will transform the area. I'm proud that our government is stepping up to the plate to help the City of Montreal realize its vision. Thanks to our efforts, one project at a time, housing in the metropolis will become more affordable as supply increases. I would also like to underline the proactivity shown by the City in using the special powers conferred on it by our new law. This show of leadership will certainly pave the way for other municipalities that decide to take action," said France Élaine Duranceau, Minister responsible for Housing in the Quebec government.

"Our government's actions demonstrate our ability to work in synergy with our partners to provide good housing for Montrealers. I salute the efforts of the Société d'amélioration de Pointe St-Charles and its allies in the fight against poverty. Their commitment to this project, combined with the support of the government and the city, will add nearly 100 housing units for families and singles in Lachine," said Chantal Rouleau, Minister responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action and MNA for Pointe-aux-Trembles.

"Our administration is determined to create exemplary living environments and deploy concrete measures to accelerate construction in Montreal and improve the supply of social and affordable housing. The development of nearly 100 social housing units on the site is a tangible result of our administration's efforts to involve all partners in the fight against the housing crisis. The collaboration of all players in the housing ecosystem is essential if we are to achieve our objectives. We can see it clearly: when all partners work together and investments are made, housing projects are completed more quickly," declared Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal.

"Against a backdrop of housing crisis, the Ville de Montréal is pulling out all the stops and making major advances in housing. These advances have been made possible thanks to the many initiatives we have promoted, notably with the adjustments to our RMM, but also thanks to a fine collaboration with Montreal's housing partners. Today, the result of this work is materializing with the development of these 98 social housing units in Lachine-Est," said Benoit Dorais, vice-president of the Ville de Montréal's executive committee and responsible for housing, real estate strategy, property assessment and legal affairs.

"The Lachine-Est Ecoquartier must benefit our entire community. This first project testifies to this commitment, and we intend to continue in this spirit of collaboration with developers, like Solano, who see the benefits of contributing positively to Lachine's current dynamism," said Borough of Lachine Mayor Maja Vodanovic.

"I'm very proud and pleased to deliver a turnkey project of 98 social housing units on 6th Avenue in Lachine. Thanks to the cooperation of several stakeholders and the involvement of the municipal and provincial governments, we were able to carry out this beautiful project. The government's new Bill 31 made it easier for us to comply, and we're proud to contribute to the creation of housing that will help build a living environment that's as dynamic as it is inclusive," says Antoine Chaloub, architect and owner of Antoine Chaloub Archtectes.