The City of Montreal is pleased to unveil its Plan d'urbanisme et de mobilité 2050, based on the aspirations and needs of the population. Its objective is to guide the City in its development, with a view to building the Montreal of tomorrow. Plan 2050 puts in place the urban planning tools needed to unlock Montreal's development potential in terms of housing, sustainable mobility, safety, quality of life and climate resilience.
Since November 2017, more than 100 consultation activities have been led by the City to invite Montrealers to express their needs and aspirations for the development of tomorrow's metropolis. The Plan tabled today is the fruit of a common, shared vision of a Montreal that is lived at the neighbourhood level, with a significant supply of off-market housing, varied and safe sustainable mobility options, local services throughout the territory and a strong emphasis on greening and resilient development.
The Plan Montréal 2050 includes:
- More than 200,000 new housing units, 20% of them off the market;
- 360 km of public transit by 2050 (currently 80 km);
- 40% of Montreal's territory greened, with 125 km of green corridors;
- 30% of public street right-of-way dedicated to sponge infrastructure and sustainable mobility;
- Nearly 70% of trips made by public transit or active transportation;
- 44% of employment hubs served by both public and active transportation;
- Decarbonized Montreal buildings by 2040.
To meet the real challenges facing Montreal, and to prevent them from becoming even more acute in the future, we need to work hard on the day-to-day issues, and at the same time equip the city with tools like the Urban Planning and Mobility Plan, which will come into effect next year. The PUM is an ambitious project that is connected to the needs and aspirations of Montrealers, while taking into account the challenges of our times. The housing and vulnerability crisis, adaptation of the territory to climate change, mobility needs and the intensification of densities throughout the territory have all been taken into account in this Plan to guarantee quality of life in all of Montreal's neighborhoods. It has been designed for the benefit of those who live, work and occupy Montreal, while looking to the needs of future generations, which we are already thinking about today.
Valérie Plante - Mayor of Montreal
What we're proposing is a livable Montreal, with exemplary neighborhood life, where all citizens will have access to local services, green spaces and sustainable mobility options. We also want a metropolis with an abundant, diversified, high-quality and affordable residential offer. In concrete terms, the plan will encourage the development of more than 200,000 new housing units, 20% of which will be protected from speculation, while allowing densification targets to be intensified throughout the territory in an appropriate manner.
Robert Beaudry - responsible for urban planning, the OCPM and homelessness on the Executive Committee of the Ville de Montréal
The Plan unveiled today represents, in itself, a small revolution. For the first time in Montreal's history, we're simultaneously thinking about urban planning while taking into account a travel plan for the population, following the best practices shared by other major metropolises. This is essential if we are to ensure the development of new housing and serve the population equitably across the territory. We're proud to deliver a development plan that meets people's needs in terms of mobility and quality of life, in all four corners of the metropolis.
Sophie Mauzerolle - responsible for transportation and mobility on the Executive Committee of the Ville de Montréal
The public will have a chance to express its views on the PUM project over the next few weeks, through a public consultation that will begin in the next few days. The City of Montreal is aiming for final adoption in 2025.
To consult the summary document and the full version of the PUM 2050 project, click here.