a. Support festivals in their efforts to adapt to the post-pandemic environment;
b. Encourage the holding of festivals in neighbourhoods;
c. Support the sustainable tourism sector to make Montréal a leader in this area, and promote the city as a responsible tourism destination;
d. Adopt a tourism brand image for Montréal and harmonize tourism signs in downtown and central neighbourhoods to facilitate visitor circulation;
e. Support tourist attractions outside the downtown area by promoting, advertising and developing them;
f. Support Montréal festivals by creating a permanent logistics space in the Quartier des Spectacles;
g. Adopt a nightlife policy;
h. Position Montréal as the top culinary destination in North America by supporting the industry and implementing the Office montréalais de la gastronomie;
i. Allow nightlife establishments in certain areas of the city to extend opening hours, and implement measures to promote nightlife in order to stimulate the entertainment and restaurant industry, particularly downtown;
j. In collaboration with Indigenous organizations, implement an Indigenous tourism strategy by highlighting important historic sites linked to the history of Indigenous peoples and authentic Indigenous cultural products;
k. Offer programs to help organizations achieve zero waste and carbon neutrality in their activities and offer specific support for festivals and cultural events to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.