A city,
for today
and for tomorrow

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and had a direct impact on the homelessness situation in Montréal. While the number of homeless people has increased, Montréal has stepped up its efforts, in collaboration with its various partners, to fight homelessness more effectively. From the start of its mandate, Projet Montréal has made homelessness a priority and has invested the necessary resources and energy in it. During a second mandate, the Projet Montréal administration will continue to play a leading role, but the city cannot act alone in the face of this shared responsibility. The other levels of government must also increase their logistical and financial assistance to allow Montréal to provide sufficient resources, housing and workers to make sure that no one is left behind.

a.Double the funding in the Ville de Montréal annual budget dedicated to homelessness, increasing it from $3M to $6M, in order to support the establishment of safe and appropriate resources and to better support community organizations that do fieldwork;

b. With community support, develop 300 housing units per year for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness;

c. Support the healthcare system and community organizations in setting up resources with a high threshold of accessibility that take Gender-based Analysis Plus into account, are adapted to the multiple realities of homelessness throughout the city, and meet different needs, including those of Indigenous people, seniors, youth, women and people with disabilities;

d. Support the establishment of resources for people with alcoholism or drug addiction problems, such as supervised alcohol consumption services;

e. Support the establishment of additional emergency shelter sites with a support service working towards housing that will be open year-round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;

f. Develop and implement social coexistence plans with all partners and stakeholders when a new resource opens in a neighbourhood or when the significant presence of homeless people is observed;

g. Develop housing and support the deployment of culturally appropriate resources (emergency accommodations, drop-in centres, warming stations, social intervention, etc.) for Indigenous people experiencing homelessness, particularly near Milton Park, Cabot Square and the corner of Mont-Royal and Saint-Denis.
  • 1. The population with the power and an administration that listens

    A city that’s going places needs to listen to its populace, create an environment that’s conducive to change and innovation, and provide quality services. Projet Montréal will continue to empower the people of Montréal so that they can directly contribute to the development of their city. Projet Montréal will also offer quality services as well as a more pleasant and better maintained urban environment that truly meets the needs of its residents.

    • 1.1 Changing the city by listening

      Montrealers themselves must be at the heart of the innovative projects that are shaping the city. Projet Montréal will continue to involve the population through information sessions, public consultations and co-creation workshops, all in the aim of ensuring that future projects are appropriate and socially acceptable. Consulting and informing ahead of projects. Testing ideas. Evaluating the results and making corrections if necessary. Then implementing projects, measuring their impact and following up. This is how Projet Montréal intends to make important changes.

      a. Adopt a policy of participation and public engagement to provide structure and encourage best practices in all of the city’s administrative bodies and units;

      b. Produce an annual report on the various consultations held within the city and the responses to the resulting recommendations;

      c. Update the Montréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities to embrace a culture of innovation by initiating pilot projects or experiments in partnership with organizations.

      d. Introduce postal voting for all upcoming municipal elections and improve the methods for registering on the voters’ list to ensure greater public participation.

    • 1.2 A budget by and for Montrealers

      a. Implement an annual participatory budget process that will reach $60 million in 2025. In that way, the population will be able to decide on the administration’s priorities;

      b. Set up an annual local participatory budget process in all the boroughs that have not yet done so;

      c. Hold annual, non-partisan public consultations for the development of the Ville de Montréal's budget.

    • 1.3 Cooperating to develop the city of today and tomorrow

      Montréal must adopt a new urban development and mobility plan to replace the urban development plan that dates from 2004. This important exercise will be carried out in close collaboration with the people of Montréal, who will be called upon to define the city in which they wish to live for the next 30 years. The first stage of this new plan was unveiled in June 2021, with the City Project. Climate change, social and territorial equity, economic vitality and quality of life are at the core of Montrealers' concerns and are reflected in this City Project. Reimagining the city and defining its future is a rare opportunity. Projet Montréal will offer it to the people of Montréal by means of the urban development and mobility plan.

      a. Through a process of co-creation with Montréal’s population, adopt a new urban development and mobility plan, which will allow for better planning of the city for the upcoming decades;

      b. Continue to protect the elements that make Montréal a unique city, in particular the centrality of Mount Royal, our heritage, our quality of life, and the city’s francophone identity and cultural vitality;

      c. Reduce inequities between neighbourhoods by designing revitalization plans for disadvantaged neighbourhoods, thus helping to reduce inequalities in the way residents are treated.

    • 1.4 A revolution for worksites and mobility

      Decades of inaction have resulted in a significant maintenance deficit in Montréal. Projet Montréal has invested record amounts in the quality of our infrastructure. At the same time, the city’s economic vigour has kick-started some major projects, particularly downtown. All of this improvement work reflects a growing city whose economic vitality is exemplary. However, it causes inconvenience on a daily basis. In order to limit the negative impacts of worksites, Projet Montréal will draw inspiration from best practices to revolutionize the sector.

      a. Create Infra Montréal Vert, a research and development unit that will help ensure that our infrastructure is adaptable and resilient in the context of the climate emergency;

      b. Group the project teams into one business unit responsible for carrying out infrastructure projects (following the New York model);

      c. Continue the work started with the construction sites charter, and launch a major worksites summit in the first six months of a mandate to bring together major contractors, experts and local academic institutions in order to facilitate and coordinate interventions;

      d. Create a data centre on mobility in order to properly plan interventions and to promote the improvement of worksites on the road network (following the Toronto model);

      e. Speed up work by allowing certain sites to operate 24/7 in certain sectors, while respecting the tranquility of local residents, and plan an annual budget devoted to reducing the impact of certain major sites;

      f. Strengthen the Mobility Squad by increasing the numbers fighting against barriers to circulation;

      g. Adapt site signage to the urban environment so that it is less invasive and more efficient;

      h. Tighten up the conditions for issuing permits to occupy public land to avoid unnecessarily long obstacles and guarantee good pedestrian circulation and universal accessibility, and increase monitoring of construction sites to ensure compliance with the conditions;

      i. Pursue and improve the street repair strategy in order to take advantage of it to improve configurations and optimize worksite surroundings to facilitate the safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists;

      j. Take advantage of the repair work on the Métropolitaine highway to humanize the area, reduce the nuisances of the highway and improve connectivity between neighbourhoods, and ensure a solid plan for mitigation measures to limit the negative impacts that detours will have on the neighbouring areas.

    • 1.5 Improvements to 311 and Accès Montréal

      Equitable access to quality services is central to the municipal administration's mission. The prompt and efficient handling of inquiries and complaints by respectful, knowledgeable and competent staff is essential to maintain a positive customer experience. In this regard, Projet Montréal undertakes to:

      a. Establish a service charter to guarantee the quality and efficiency of services to the city’s population;

      b.Accelerate the process for online applications for all Ville de Montréal permits;

      c. Embrace a culture of innovation and real-time communications, via a public dashboard of the city’s main performance indicators and the improvement of Info-travaux, in particular;

      d. Improve the 311 service through innovation and artificial intelligence to respond more quickly and efficiently to the most common requests;

      e. Integrate a municipal service centre into the future Îlot Voyageur project, including a universal one-stop shop for Accès Montréal that will be open evenings and weekends.

  • 2. A roadmap for a carbon neutral Montréal by 2050

    Montréal stands out worldwide as a leader in combatting climate change. Its first Climate Plan, hailed by experts, set out the main guidelines that will allow the city to reduce its GHG emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. The ambitious Climate Plan is already inspiring municipalities all over the planet. Projet Montréal will continue to implement the measures necessary to achieve the objectives of the Climate Plan and will continue to make the city more resilient and adapted to climate change.

    • 2.1 Public transportation that meets our ambitions

      After decades of waiting, public transit projects are finally happening in Montréal. The upcoming inauguration of the REM, the start of the work on the extension of the blue line, the start of studies for the streetcar between downtown and Lachine, as well as the arrival of the REM de l'Est will transform transportation in the city. Now it’s important not to repeat the mistakes of the past and not to rest on our laurels. We must immediately initiate the next major public transit projects that will shape the city of tomorrow, and we must equip ourselves with the right tools so that public transit continues to grow steadily in Montréal.

      a. Maintain leadership in the planning and implementation of subway transportation structuring projects to Anjou (blue line), Saint-Laurent and Ahuntsic-Cartierville (orange line) and downtown (pink line), the streetcar to Lachine and the REM to the east, while ensuring their exemplary implementation, in order to encourage the development of the areas served by these new transportation connections;

      b. Continue rolling out the reserved lanes network as a quick and efficient alternative to respond to the congestion of certain bus routes and subway stations, and consolidate the current lanes by improving the configurations and the service hours;

      c. Collaborate with the STM so that as many reserved lanes as possible remain accessible to bicycles or carpooling, while respecting predetermined criteria, in particular the imperatives of traffic flow and safety;

      d. Establish a rapid bus service on Boulevard Henri-Bourassa;

      e. Deploy the 300 new buses to improve the service offering, particularly in underserved areas, through a complete overhaul of the service offering;

      f. Continue implementing universal accessibility in subway stations;

      g. Improve the efficiency and flexibility of paratransit to reduce the service gap between the bus and subway network and paratransit.

    • 2.2 Electric transportation

      a. Acquire 100% electric buses by 2025 and adapt the STM’s equipment to accommodate them;

      b. Create a zero carbon emission zone in the city centre by 2030 and integrate new ones as part of the adoption of the next urban development and mobility plan and the planning of eco-neighbourhoods;

      c. Extend the preferential residents-only street parking rate for electric or shared cars to all the boroughs;

      d. Create paid on-street parking spaces that are reserved for electric vehicles;

      e. Install 1,000 new level 2 public charging stations and 100 level 3 charging stations;

      f. Require the installation of electrical equipment necessary for recharging electric vehicles during the construction of new residential buildings with parking;

      g. Replace municipal subcompact vehicles at the end of their useful life with electric subcompact models and favour electric models or smaller models when replacing other municipal vehicles.

    • 2.3 The best cycling network in the Americas

      After years of inconsistent development marked by poorly integrated additions to the network or flimsy and unsafe development, it was essential to offer the Montréal cycling network a structured vision and dedicated infrastructure. Over the past four years, Projet Montréal has established a real cycling plan, which takes into account the fact that cycling is now an essential component of transportation in Montréal. There are now safe bike lanes, like the Réseau express vélo, and links integrated into the existing network. These actions have made things safer and facilitated movement for cyclists and people using a mobility aid such as a wheelchair, but also for motorists, in particular by reducing the risk of usage conflicts.

      a. Pursue the development of cycling infrastructure and consolidate the existing network, following the principle of “the right development in the right place,” in order to make cycling in the city accessible to people of all ages and abilities;

      b. Focus on the development and enhancement of cycling culture in Montréal, in particular through the education of young cyclists and the implementation of an awareness and information campaign on road safety for all road users, including cyclists;

      c. Upgrade the existing network in keeping with the best standards of comfort, safety and universal accessibility and according to the principles of complete streets;

      d. Continue expanding the Réseau express vélo (REV) in consultation with local stakeholders and residents, and plan for the next steps as part of the consultation work for the urban development and mobility plan;

      e. Integrate bicycle parking spaces into the city’s downtown and around subway, bus and train stations and other public transportation service points;

      f. Implement a program to support the acquisition of family bikes, electric bikes and bikes adapted for people with a disability.

    • 2.4 Shared mobility

      Because of the climate emergency, it is important to promote the development of shared mobility options in all of Montréal's boroughs. Car-sharing, self-service vehicles, carpooling and taxi services must therefore be offered to as many people as possible in order to encourage alternatives to solo cars and to reduce their negative effects, such as road congestion and GHG emissions.

      a. Reduce the cost of parking permits reserved for car-sharing cars and reserve more spaces for them in municipal parking lots, so as to increase their number by 50% in 4 years, and support the deployment of a range of adapted vehicles;

      b. Encourage subscription to self-service vehicle services and promote group or discounted subscriptions through employers and workplaces;

      c. Add 2,100 self-service electric bikes to the BIXI fleet and ensure that all of the boroughs are covered by this service.

    • 2.5 Safety when moving around the city

      Over the past four years, Projet Montréal has adopted the goals of Vision Zero, which ultimately aims to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on the roads. Among the flagship actions implemented in the city, note the safety improvements to the areas around schools, as well as the addition and upgrading of pedestrian lights. These key interventions improve safety for the most vulnerable— our children and our elders, in particular—in all the boroughs of Montréal.

      a. Implement a program to improve safety around seniors’ residences, libraries, daycare centres, hospitals, parks and recreation centres, modelled on the one for schools;

      b. Continue the implementation of increased crossing times at pedestrian lights and adapt them to periods of higher pedestrian traffic, in particular to ensure safe access to parks and public places, and continue to install audible traffic signals;

      c. Work in collaboration with the various levels of government to make safety devices on heavy vehicles mandatory (convex mirrors, side bars, cameras, etc.), and add provisions to this effect in all our calls for tenders;

      d. In collaboration with the Ministère des Transports du Québec, create a pilot project for an urban photo radar system, targeting, among other things, designated trucking routes and places with the greatest risk of collisions.

    • 2.6 Green buildings

      a. Eliminate fuel oil from all buildings in Montréal by 2030;

      b. Make energy efficiency and resilience priorities for the Ville de Montréal residential renovation subsidy programs;

      c. Implement an energy rating system for large buildings;

      d. Focus on the circular economy, promoting the recycling of construction materials from municipal worksites and the use of new technologies to manage waste.

    • 2.7 Waste management

      a. Cut the waste sent to landfill by half by 2030 compared to 2015, paying particular attention to reducing food and clothing waste;

      b. Ban single-use plastics all over Montréal by 2023 and adopt by-laws to reduce the distribution of limited-use products, which constitute a significant part of Montréal’s recycling;

      c. Through a design competition, create iconic Montréal disposal bins that will separate waste, recyclable materials and organic materials in parks and public places in Montréal;

      d. Adopt a regulatory framework as well as a certification program for donation boxes, in order to ensure that organizations have charitable status and dispose of clothing ecologically.

    • 2.8 Natural spaces and greening

      a. Plant 500,000 trees in order to achieve 25% canopy cover by 2030, and prevent heat islands by prioritizing planting in the highest-risk neighbourhoods;

      b. Continue the acquisition and protection of green spaces in Montréal, as well as efforts to protect the humanized landscape of Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève, in order to achieve the objective of 10% protected land;

      c. Improve access to the waterfront by acquiring waterfront land and by increasing the number of water access facilities, such as beaches, docks, lookouts and areas for fishing;

      d. Create a mini-forest in each borough;

      e. Continue to deploy green corridors to create biodiversity corridors connecting all of Montréal's significant green spaces;

      f. Implement measures to encourage the greening or densification of outdoor parking areas as part of the work for the urban development and mobility plan;

      g. Create a program to transform and enhance flooded and flood-prone land transferred to the Ville de Montréal in recent years;

      h. Ask the Government of Québec to modify the law on expropriation to facilitate the protection of natural environments by ensuring an acquisition cost closer to the real value of the land;

      i. Ban more than a hundred pesticides as of 2022, including glyphosate, chlorpyrifos and certain neonicotinoids.

    • 2.9 Urban agriculture

      a. Develop the bio-food industry and promote agricultural infrastructure (greenhouses, for example) on industrial and commercial buildings, for economic development and to save energy;

      b. Increase the number of hectares of cultivated land by 33% in Montréal;

      c. In the medium term, create 50 new urban agriculture projects in Montréal schools;

      d. Aim for a one-third increase in the number of urban agriculture enterprises within five years;

      e. Foster a culture that is more respectful and better informed about nature by mandating the botanical garden to intensify the teaching of horticulture and the dissemination of knowledge about biodiversity;

      f. Collaborate with agricultural businesses located on the island as well as within the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal to promote short travel times and improve the accessibility of their products in Montréal;

      g. Improve the network of community and collective gardens in Montréal by upgrading and renovating existing gardens or creating new growing areas in soil or in containers, particularly in the Grand Parc de l'Ouest and on the site of the former hippodrome;

      h. Adhere to the C40 Good Food Cities Declaration, which promotes local and organic farming, healthy diets and reduced food waste, among other things.

  • 3. Choosing Montréal and staying here

    Montréal is a great place to live. We must allow all those who have chosen Montréal to be able to stay here, regardless of their income. Providing dynamic, safe, affordable, complete and mixed neighbourhoods is a priority for Projet Montréal. This is why, over the past four years, considerable effort has been made to improve access to healthy and affordable housing. We have also established support measures for families and seniors to allow them to access or maintain property ownership. Concrete actions have also been taken to maintain the security of Montréal. In addition, ambitious strategies have been implemented to keep the city united, inclusive and affordable.

    This work will continue in the next Projet Montréal administration.

    • 3.1 Housing without risking bankruptcy

      Projet Montréal has started a real revolution in housing over the past four years. We have finally provided the Ville de Montréal with a housing department. We have enhanced many assistance programs, particularly to promote access to home ownership, but also for home renovation. We implemented the strategy to develop 12,000 social and affordable housing units and exceeded our targets. We adopted the By-law for a diverse metropolis, which will ensure the construction of affordable and family housing in Montréal. And we set up the Réno logement abordable program in order to preserve the affordability of Montréal's rental inventory. Projet Montréal will continue these efforts in order to limit the overheating of the real estate market.

      a. Launch a major operation of 60,000 long-term affordable housing units as quickly as possible, including 2,000 student housing units. How can we reach 60,000 affordable housing units?

      • By using land already owned by the Ville de Montréal, such as the former hippodrome and Louvain Est, as well as surplus land belonging to the federal government, in collaboration with the CMHC;
      • By acquiring new land thanks to the pre-emptive right, the By-law for a diverse metropolis and joint strategies with the SHDM;
      • By reserving $800 million for the acquisition of this land, drawing inspiration from the land trust model;
      • By guaranteeing the affordability of these homes for at least 40 years;
      • By aligning our actions with the Government of Canada's funding programs and its National Housing Strategy to accelerate the selection of projects;
      • By increasing the number of initiatives, such as the downtown “cellule facilitatrice” (facilitator unit), on a city-wide scale, in order to accelerate the development and construction of affordable housing;
      • By encouraging smart densification on a human scale, including specific areas for affordable housing, in the new urban development and mobility plan.

      b. Continue and facilitate the construction of social housing based on the availability of programs from the federal and provincial governments, and renew the Réflexe Montréal housing agreement, so that the budgets allocated annually allow for the construction of at least 2,000 AccèsLogis housing units per year in Montréal;

      c. Support partners and align municipal subsidy programs for social and affordable housing with federal and provincial programs in order to facilitate the multi-party financing of housing projects in Montréal;

      d. Pursue the strategy of acquiring land for social housing purposes, broadening the scope of the pre-emptive right, and allocating a $100 million budget to it over 10 years;

      e. Call on the federal and provincial governments to provide urgent funding for the renovation of social housing offered by the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal (OMHM) in order to quickly make unavailable housing available for rent and meet the needs of people with modest incomes;

      f. Support the OMHM in the search for alternative financing to accelerate the renovation of its housing and leverage the current inventory;

      g. Give the SHDM the means to develop more innovative housing projects in Montréal;

      h. Increase the number of universally accessible housing units in social and community housing projects.

      i. Continue and improve the support offered to first-time buyers;

      j. Set up financial tools to allow the acquisition of affordable rental buildings by non-profits to create long-term housing and to get it out of real estate speculation, in particular by using the Ville de Montréal’s right of first refusal, subsidies, interest-free loans and patient capital, based on the experience acquired through the innovation associated with the 12,000 housing units strategy;

      k. Establish municipal hygiene certification for rental housing and make it compulsory for obtaining any subsidy or financial support for renovation, and create a public rent and information register for tenants.

    • 3.2 Making life easier for families

      a. By the end of the mandate, cut the costs of public transit in half for people 17 and under and continue work towards the implementation of means-based rates for public transit;

      b. Introduce free admission to the city’s museums and cultural spaces for young people aged 17 and under;

      c. Set up a ninth week of day camps to provide more respite for parents and more activities for children;

      d. Establish a baby box program for each newborn, including a starter set, so that every baby in Montréal has an equal chance at birth;

      e. Include children and adolescents in public consultation processes for spaces that concern them, for example parks or the areas around schools;

      f. Establish a strategy to support the development of daycare centres, particularly within the framework of the development of social housing projects;

    • 3.3 Fair taxation

      a. Obtain the right from other levels of government to impose a tax on foreign real estate investments;

      b. Limit the increase in property taxes to inflation and initiate a major project on municipal taxation, particularly with regard to the financing of the infrastructure maintenance deficit and income diversification;

      c. Approach the Government of Québec to make the property transfer tax adjusted according to the duration of ownership, to discourage “flipping” and favour long-term occupant households;

      d. Integrate eco-taxation into water pricing for non-residential buildings;

      e. Ask the Government of Québec to establish a progressive tax system by allowing the differentiation of the property tax rate on residential buildings, as is permitted for non-residential buildings;

      f. Set up a property tax deferral program for low-income owner households and seniors, which would allow them to defer part of their tax bill until the time of the sale of their property, in order to protect vulnerable households from the effects of the significant increase in property values.

    • 3.4 Montréal as an age-friendly city

      a. Offer free public transportation to seniors;

      b. Adapt neighbourhood amenities to guarantee the safety and comfort of seniors, in particular by considering the addition of adapted street furniture, universal accessibility, rest areas and sports equipment appropriate for seniors;

      c. Promote the involvement of seniors in municipal bodies by creating an elders’ council that will bring together seniors from various backgrounds and living environments;

      d. Take the new needs related to aging into account in the urban development and mobility plan;

      e. Participate in the development of mixed housing complexes for independent seniors to allow them to age in Montréal, as part of the construction of 60,000 affordable housing units.

    • 3.5 Safe neighbourhoods

      a. Support the SPVM in its fight against organized crime and gun violence by permanently funding the teams dedicated to the fight against armed violence, including ELTA, which works against arms trafficking, and the anti-gang team, as well as the development of local and community policing;

      b. Invest $5 million annually to support community organizations that work in the prevention of violence and crime among young people and in urban safety;

      c. Deploy a mobile mediation and social intervention team throughout Montréal to promote social harmony and respond to crisis or distress situations affecting marginalized people and those in difficulty in public areas;

      d. Demand that higher levels of government provide better control of arms trafficking, particularly at the Canadian border, a ban on private possession of assault weapons and handguns, and adequate funding for police forces to control guns;

      e. Equip Montréal’s police officers with body cameras as of 2022;

      f. Allow and support the establishment of local public security in the boroughs that so desire;

      g. Work with the SPVM and the Fraternité des policières et des policières de Montréal to implement mechanisms so that police officers remain at least three years in the same neighbourhood station in order to develop better connections with the local community and organizations;

      h. Continue to combat violence against women by making the dedicated SPVM team permanent and supporting shelters for women who are victims of violence and their children.

  • 4. Quality of life

    Montréal is a wonderful place to live, grow up, grow old, work and invest. This high quality of life is explained, among other things, by its dynamic neighbourhoods, its vibrant culture and its diversity, which is the envy of many large North American cities. Projet Montréal wishes to go even further to make Montréal an ever more united and inclusive city that offers exemplary quality of life. Over the past four years, Projet Montréal has worked tirelessly to leave no one behind. It will continue to do so, going beyond its traditional role, to fight inequalities even more effectively and contribute even more to the well-being of Montrealers.

    • 4.1 Unlocking the potential of all Montréal’s neighbourhoods

      Montréal is big. Over the years, its development has varied depending on the borough, and even the neighbourhood, and territorial inequalities have resulted. Projet Montréal has begun a major catch-up project aimed at restoring territorial equality and will intensify the work over the next few years. It is important to offer a quality of life and equal services to all Montrealers, regardless of the neighbourhood in which they live. A Projet Montréal administration will mobilize its institutional, economic and community partners to fight chronic poverty, renovate unsanitary housing, improve community facilities and improve local services. Measures should also be put in place to improve the skills of workers and promote employment for residents of less well-off neighbourhoods in Montréal.

      a. Make equal opportunities for all Montrealers a guiding principle in the prioritization of services, infrastructure and the creation of green spaces;

      b. With the objective of inter-borough equity, take into account the deficit in sports, cultural and community facilities, as well as in green spaces, in the prioritization of infrastructure investments, particularly in the northeast of Montréal and in neighbourhoods where investments have been scarce in recent decades;

      c. Provide the integrated urban revitalization (RUI) program with a ten-year dedicated investment budget in the ten-year capital works program, in order to allow local partners to prioritize public facilities and development;

      d. Provide free wi-fi service in public places.

    • 4.2 Improving the experience on commercial arteries

      During its first mandate, Projet Montréal worked to revitalize Montréal’s various commercial arteries. The development programs and the financial support offered, particularly in the context of the post-COVID recovery, have given a great boost to the commercial arteries, improved the customer experience and brought thousands of Montrealers back. Work will continue in a second mandate to offer ever more beautiful, more inviting, greener and more prosperous commercial arteries.

      a. Establish a program to improve commercial arteries by making them greener and creating public spaces and places to relax;

      b. In the support programs for merchants, pay particular attention to improving the design and signage of commercial arteries;

      c. Promote development solutions adapted to the needs of commercial arteries by facilitating the implementation of measures such as pick-up/drop-off zones, 15-minute parking areas, on-street terraces and pedestrianization, all in concert with local merchants and commercial development corporations;

      d. Fund the adoption of a mobility plan for each commercial artery to facilitate access and the coexistence of different modes of transportation, and to achieve universal accessibility for businesses;

      e. Provide information online on available parking near commercial arteries via the Agence de mobilité durable app.

    • 4.3 Showcasing our heritage

      Almost 380 years after its founding, Montréal has a rich history, which is reflected in its streets, its buildings, its geography and its people. To build the Montréal of today and tomorrow, it is imperative to preserve and enhance our local and collective heritage, whether religious, architectural, natural or intangible.

      a. In collaboration with the Government of Québec and in consultation with the population, in particular the deaf population, launch projects to transform the former Hôpital de la Miséricorde and Institut des Sourdes et Muettes, which must include residential, cultural and public uses;

      b. Develop a comprehensive plan for the transformation of Hôtel-Dieu, in collaboration with the Government of Québec and local stakeholders;

      c. Ensure that the redevelopment of the former Royal Victoria Hospital makes it possible to restore parts of the mountain to Montrealers, that the site is accessible to the public, that surplus buildings are developed in the public interest and that a swimming pool is once again accessible to the public;

      d. Establish an action plan for the enhancement of buildings of heritage interest belonging to the Ville de Montréal and for their occupation, and launch calls for projects to improve the buildings concerned;

      e. Adopt a lighting plan to showcase heritage buildings throughout Montréal;

      f. Work with historical societies to highlight the history of each neighbourhood, in particular through the development of local historical routes;

      g. Pursue an ambitious Indigenous place-naming strategy which provides for consultation and collaboration with Indigenous organizations;

      h. Protect places of worship as part of our collective heritage, while preserving their public, community, cultural and social character;

      i. Adopt heritage designation and protection measures to guide development in exceptional downtown areas such as the Golden Square Mile, Chinatown, Shaughnessy Village and the Phillips Square area;

      j. Adopt a recognition framework to highlight and recognize Montréal’s history and collective memories.

    • 4.4 A city that’s alive with culture

      The COVID-19 pandemic has hit culture hard. Montréal has always revelled in its festivals, special events, artist performances and original exhibitions. This vitality was hampered by the health crisis, but it is still present today. Projet Montréal has set up support programs dedicated to the cultural community in order to help artists enliven the city once again. In a second mandate, Projet Montréal will continue to support the arts, which contribute so much to the quality of life that Montréal offers.

      a. Adopt support programs intended for small private artistic venues and neighbourhood cinemas to promote them, help them recover and encourage them to remain for the long term;

      b. Continue to support the soundproofing of alternative venues in order to preserve the vitality of the Montréal music scene while ensuring better coexistence with residents;

      c. Accelerate current library construction projects as well as the transformation of all libraries into genuine public hubs that will become places of intercultural mediation and integration, in particular through information, integration and training programs, as well as by improving the public services offered there;

      d. Ensure the maintenance and development of artists' studios by imposing a moratorium on their conversion for other purposes, by promoting their purchase by cooperatives or non-profits, and by encouraging their twinning with affordable housing;

      e. Ensure adequate and accessible funding for artists and organizations representing diversity and Indigenous groups;

      f. Mobilize public and private partners in support of the 2030 Montréal Agenda for Quality and Exemplarity in Design and Architecture;

      g. Collaborate with government partners and stakeholders in the museum sector to promote the accessibility, development and influence of Montréal museums;

      h. Increase the number of art projects in public spaces, in particular by doubling the budgets devoted to murals and extending them all over Montréal;

      i. Consolidate the cultural and tourism vocation of the Quartier latin, in particular by supporting the Maison de la chanson francophone project in the Saint-Sulpice library and many other current and future cultural projects;

      j. Support the development of the Quartier des spectacles in its leading role in the entertainment and vitality of downtown by consolidating its activities and infrastructure, including implementing the “Coulisses du Quartier des spectacles” project and the parking lot 066 project;

      k. Support the establishment of a creation and production space for English-speaking theatre companies in the former fire station no. 14;

      l. Support the development of the Cité des arts du cirque and improve its accessibility.

    • 4.5 Diversity and inclusion

      Montréal’s diversity is a strength. The city is a place of sharing and inclusion, developing at the same rate as the aspirations and hopes of those who have made it their home. Every year, Montréal welcomes tens of thousands of immigrants, who join established citizens who themselves chose the city for the quality of life it offers and for the possibilities it engenders. United by the French language, proud of its history and its roots, Montréal’s population contributes every day to the city’s vibrancy. Projet Montréal is determined to continue giving it every chance of success.

      a. Continue to implement the recommendations of the public consultation on racism and systemic discrimination and follow up on them, particularly with regard to inclusion in employment and the fight against racial and social profiling;

      b. Implement Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) across the Ville de Montréal, for better equality, including within decision-making summaries;

      c. Ensure that the composition of the Ville de Montréal staff becomes representative of the population, in particular by establishing a target of 35% for hiring visible and ethnic minorities and people with a disability;

      d. Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and continue to implement the strategy for reconciliation with Indigenous peoples;

      e. Support the creation of an LGBTQ2IAS+ community centre as well as a space functioning as a tribute to the memory of the struggle for sexual and gender diversity rights;

      f. Continue the universal accessibility project and the implementation of its recommendations, implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and continue to fight against ableism;

      g.Link the granting of subsidies to regulatory universal accessibility obligations.
    • 4.6 Homelessness

      The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and had a direct impact on the homelessness situation in Montréal. While the number of homeless people has increased, Montréal has stepped up its efforts, in collaboration with its various partners, to fight homelessness more effectively. From the start of its mandate, Projet Montréal has made homelessness a priority and has invested the necessary resources and energy in it. During a second mandate, the Projet Montréal administration will continue to play a leading role, but the city cannot act alone in the face of this shared responsibility. The other levels of government must also increase their logistical and financial assistance to allow Montréal to provide sufficient resources, housing and workers to make sure that no one is left behind.

      a.Double the funding in the Ville de Montréal annual budget dedicated to homelessness, increasing it from $3M to $6M, in order to support the establishment of safe and appropriate resources and to better support community organizations that do fieldwork;

      b. With community support, develop 300 housing units per year for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness;

      c. Support the healthcare system and community organizations in setting up resources with a high threshold of accessibility that take Gender-based Analysis Plus into account, are adapted to the multiple realities of homelessness throughout the city, and meet different needs, including those of Indigenous people, seniors, youth, women and people with disabilities;

      d. Support the establishment of resources for people with alcoholism or drug addiction problems, such as supervised alcohol consumption services;

      e. Support the establishment of additional emergency shelter sites with a support service working towards housing that will be open year-round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;

      f. Develop and implement social coexistence plans with all partners and stakeholders when a new resource opens in a neighbourhood or when the significant presence of homeless people is observed;

      g. Develop housing and support the deployment of culturally appropriate resources (emergency accommodations, drop-in centres, warming stations, social intervention, etc.) for Indigenous people experiencing homelessness, particularly near Milton Park, Cabot Square and the corner of Mont-Royal and Saint-Denis.
    • 4.7 A fun and active city

      a. Improve the repair and modernization program for park chalets in order to make them operational year-round and universally accessible;

      b. Create a very first mountain bike park in Montréal;

      c. Promote the transformation of vacant lots into sports fields, and aim to complete ten projects by 2025;

      d. Establish a first municipal policy on recreational activities, extend the opening hours of libraries and sports and recreation centres, and keep outdoor sports fields open until the first snowfall;

      e. Expedite the construction of new sports and aquatic centres (Verdun, Montréal-Nord and Lachine) and the renovation and upgrading of existing sports centres (Gadbois, Pierre-Charbonneau and Claude-Robillard);

      f. Establish a “blue network” of filling stations for reusable water bottles.
    • 4.8 Parks as Montrealers’ backyards

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, residents flooded into Montréal’s parks, keen to find green spaces and places to meet and relax. For many Montrealers, parks are like huge backyards where families and people of all ages can gather, play, walk around and enjoy nature. These public places for relaxation and interaction must be improved and made more numerous, with particular attention paid to the waterfront and the activities that take place there.

      a. Ensure that all Montréal residences are within a 15-minute walk of a green space or recreational area;

      b. Support Mount Royal Park by demineralizing certain parts of the parking lots of the former Royal Victoria Hospital, by protecting the mountain views, by finding ways to draw residents back to the Mount Royal Chalet, and by linking the mountain’s various institutions together in a network;

      c. Implement the master plan for Parc Jean-Drapeau, including the restoration of Place des Nations, Plaine des Jeux and Mont Boullé, and begin work on the Promenade Fluviale du Grand Montréal between Place des Nations and the Jacques Cartier Bridge;

      d. Adopt a first master plan for the Grand Parc de l’Ouest and open new sections of the park;

      e. Continue redeveloping the Lachine marina by creating a waterfront park integrated into René-Lévesque Park;

      f. Protect biodiversity in the Technoparc by expanding the Parc-nature des Sources and by lobbying the federal government to protect the monarch butterfly field;

      g. Encourage the transformation of paved schoolyards into local green parks by promoting the creation of school parks across the city;

      h. As part of the urban development and mobility plan, hold specific OCPM consultations on the Francon quarry and open part of it to the public as soon as possible to attract residents to it;

      i. Begin developing the Parc-nature de l’Écoterritoire de la falaise nature park at the Saint-Jacques escarpment, which will also include an active transportation link between Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and the Sud-Ouest;

      j. Continue implementing the master plans for major urban parks (Angrignon, Jarry, La Fontaine, Jeanne-Mance, Frédéric-Back, Maisonneuve);

      h. Make Parcours Gouin a truly green and blue corridor designed for hiking and both physical and outdoor activities, linking five boroughs along the Rivière-des-Prairies;

      i. Organize activities in local parks by providing recreational equipment and games.
    • 4.9 Clean and well-cleared neighbourhoods

      a. Install large-capacity concealed or buried waste containers in all of the city’s major parks, as well as in certain targeted locations downtown, in order to reduce illegal dumping;

      b. Set up a rapidly deployable clean-up brigade that can be mobilized through 311, in collaboration with the boroughs;

      c. Encourage volunteer spring clean-up operations by providing the necessary equipment for them, and organize awareness campaigns to promote them;

      d. Continue to install GPS in the city’s snow removal trucks and make this data available to improve the real-time monitoring of snow removal operations for residents;

      e. Develop partnerships with owners of private parking lots in order to increase the supply of temporary parking during snow removal operations;

      f. Ensure that the principles of universal accessibility in all stages of snow removal are taken into consideration;

      g. Set up a pilot project to find alternatives to snow clearing warning sirens, especially after 8 p.m.

    • 4.10 Animals

      a. Continue to apply a scientific and measured approach to animal case management;

      b. Create new parks and dog-walking trails with a focus on underserved areas of the city;

      c. Ensure that Trap-Neuter-Release-Maintain programs are offered in all boroughs, and improve access to them;

      d. Offer animal services at various service points that are easily accessible via public transportation.
  • 5. Unleashing the city’s potential

    Montréal is Quebec’s economic and cultural engine. As the largest French-speaking city in the Americas, its influence is felt across the province and even the country. To support the city’s economic, tourism and cultural development, Projet Montréal intends to continue to build on the strengths of the business community and what makes it stand out internationally: its quality of life, its environmental leadership, its creativity, its affordability and its innovation. A green and inclusive economic recovery will continue to be our main focus. Projet Montréal will ensure that the city continues to grow economically, while preserving its unique francophone identity, and that key geographic areas, as well as Montréal as a whole, reach their full potential.

    • 5.1 500 days for Montréal’s recovery

      The labour shortage will be at the heart of the economic challenges of the coming years and will be a major concern. 
 We will continue to work with all stakeholders in the business community to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. By building a more affordable, greener and more inclusive city that attracts talent and businesses, is Projet Montréal contributing directly to the solution.

      a. Set up a working group under the Mayor’s responsibility for economic development and innovation;

      b. Create three innovation hubs in the east, west and north of Montréal;

      c. Support the Palais des congrès expansion project;

      d. Make the facilitator unit created to continuously improve processes for supporting development projects permanent;

      e. Implement a regulatory relief plan and mandate administrative units to review our practices for the purpose of providing services to businesses and issuing permits more quickly;

      f. Create a Laboratoire des savoirs urbains (urban knowledge laboratory), in partnership with Montréal universities, to develop, experiment with and share innovative urban practices;

      g. Update the downtown strategy to address the challenges of the pandemic and continue to recover from it;

      h. Support the transformation and recovery of emerging economic hubs, such as the District Central in Ahuntsic-Cartierville and the Parc industriel de l’Est;

      i. Adhere to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Port Cities and adopt an action plan to do so successfully, in collaboration with the Port of Montreal and partners.
    • 5.2 Supporting the local economy

      The pandemic has fostered the growth of the local economy, propelled by the public’s willingness to encourage local purchasing and support neighbourhood businesses. Projet Montréal intends to take advantage of this momentum to promote even more local Montréal businesses, but also the commercial arteries that contribute to our neighbourhoods’ vitality.

      a. Increase the number of small local markets, build on existing public markets and support the creation of two new major public markets in the east and west of Montréal;

      b. Support the pedestrianization of commercial arteries in the summer and extend terrace season;

      c. Create an access program to maintain the affordability of premises on commercial streets;

      d. Pursue the strategy of differentiated tax rates for non-residential buildings, thus allowing small commercial owners to continue to obtain tax reductions;

      e. In collaboration with commercial development corporations, post a comprehensive map online of universally accessible businesses and services, and offer a delivery service for people with disabilities to compensate for the lack of access;

      f. Continue the telephone support line for businesses created during the COVID-19 pandemic and set up a one-stop service for entrepreneurs;

      g. Create a commercial vacancy certificate providing for maintenance standards;

      h. In collaboration with the Government of Québec, implement mechanisms for owners of vacant premises to contribute financially to commercial development corporations;

      i .Support the expansion of local decarbonized urban delivery services to the entire city;

      j. Develop some form of support for on-street businesses to promote waste reduction and the sharing of goods (such as used bookstores, thrift stores, rental or goods sharing centres, etc.);

      k. Review rules for food trucks to encourage small-scale entrepreneurship and ensure affordability and diversification of food offerings in underserved areas.
    • 5.3 Developing the local and solidarity economy

      a. Increase financial support for building renovation and construction projects for social economy enterprises, in order to increase their resilience and encourage their growth;

      b. Create a community bond program to facilitate the financing of social economy projects and encourage citizens to invest in collectively-owned businesses;

      c. Strengthen the presence, expertise and role of the PME MTL network in coordinating local economic development, in order to make Montréal a leader in launching and growing small and medium-sized businesses;

      d. Support and promote the development of incubators, accelerators (including for cultural and social economy businesses) and FabLabs, and increase the number of co-working spaces;

      e. Promote start-ups by supporting business incubators and accelerators and by financially supporting networking initiatives with large companies, and increase the resilience of companies by supporting the transformation of business models and the transfer of businesses to younger generations;

      f. Promote the creation of Indigenous businesses and dedicate a fund to this end through PME MTL.
    • 5.4 Tourism, festivals and nightlife

      a. Support festivals in their efforts to adapt to the post-pandemic environment;

      b. Encourage the holding of festivals in neighbourhoods;

      c. Support the sustainable tourism sector to make Montréal a leader in this area, and promote the city as a responsible tourism destination;

      d. Adopt a tourism brand image for Montréal and harmonize tourism signs in downtown and central neighbourhoods to facilitate visitor circulation;

      e. Support tourist attractions outside the downtown area by promoting, advertising and developing them;

      f. Support Montréal festivals by creating a permanent logistics space in the Quartier des Spectacles;

      g. Adopt a nightlife policy;

      h. Position Montréal as the top culinary destination in North America by supporting the industry and implementing the Office montréalais de la gastronomie;

      i. Allow nightlife establishments in certain areas of the city to extend opening hours, and implement measures to promote nightlife in order to stimulate the entertainment and restaurant industry, particularly downtown;

      j. In collaboration with Indigenous organizations, implement an Indigenous tourism strategy by highlighting important historic sites linked to the history of Indigenous peoples and authentic Indigenous cultural products;

      k. Offer programs to help organizations achieve zero waste and carbon neutrality in their activities and offer specific support for festivals and cultural events to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.
    • 5.5 Embracing our northern identity

      Snow, cold weather and winter sports are part of Montréal’s identity. The city must celebrate its northern identity and make it a distinctive element in order to develop a unique experience that will appeal to both Montrealers and tourists. Projet Montréal intends to make winter a time of large gatherings to celebrate the cold season and the resilience of the public.

      a.Create a network of winter hiking trails in our local parks;

      b. Equip our parks for outdoor winter activities (snow making machines for slopes, snow groomers, new cross-country ski trails, etc.);

      c. Build new refrigerated skating rinks;

      d. Support festivals and cultural events that enliven public spaces during the winter;

      e. Allow heated terraces during the cold season, favouring electrically powered ones;

      f. Make the city’s northern identity a symbol in all international presentations and promotions highlighting Montréal.
    • 5.6 Montréal as the metropolis of Quebec

      a. Develop of an economic brand image for the metropolitan region and organize “Team Montréal” economic missions in order to attract more foreign direct investment and open doors to international business for Montréal companies;

      b. Launch a twinning program, based on the twin cities model, for boroughs and cities in Quebec that are similar, in order to strengthen ties between Montréal and the rest of Quebec and to provide youth from Montréal and other regions with opportunities to interact;

      c. Defend Montréal’s francophone identity by implementing the first action plan for the promotion of the French language in Montréal;

      d. In collaboration with our partners, expedite the implementation of initiatives to improve the French language skills of newcomers and to strengthen the role that French plays in the commercial and business worlds;

      e. Create a French language commissioner position and a monitoring committee to support the commissioner’s actions;

      f. Create an award to acknowledge a Montrealer’s contribution to the vitality, influence and promotion of French as a unifying language in Montréal.
    • 5.7 Developing complete, dynamic urban neighbourhoods

      a. Through the urban development and mobility plan, adopt and integrate the concept of the 15-minute city as an organizing principle of urban development, so that Montrealers have access to everything that is essential to their lives (education, culture, shops, health care, etc.) within a 15-minute walk or public transit ride from their home;

      b. Develop innovative financial solutions, through eco-taxation for example, to support the creation of new neighbourhoods, in order to take advantage of the increase in land value by investing these sums upstream in the development and establishment of collective infrastructure;

      c. Promote intelligent densification and mixed-use neighbourhoods, particularly near job-rich areas, to facilitate active transportation and ensure their vitality;

      d. Integrate green spaces into real estate development projects, such as enhanced pedestrian alleys and green alleys;

      e. Acquire land ahead of time, such as through a land reserve, to allow for better planning and integration of collective projects and public services in new neighbourhoods;

      f. Collaborate with relevant partners in the planning, construction and renovation of elementary and secondary schools.
    • 5.8 The east of Montréal

      a. Support local organizations in planning economic development in the east of Montréal;

      b. Work with CDPQ Infra and the Ministère des Transports du Québec to successfully plan the construction of the REM de l’Est and integrate it into the urban fabric of the city’s downtown and the east of Montréal, particularly in Rivière-des-Prairies and Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve;

      c. Continue to decontaminate land and create complete eco-neighbourhoods that include job-rich areas and homes for owners and tenants of all income levels;

      d. Create a new innovation hub in the Pointe-de-l’Île area;

      e. Make Montréal’s eastbound water taxi service permanent;

      f. Ensure access to the waterfront along the Saint Lawrence River and the Rivière-des-Prairies, in particular, by creating access to the water in the Parc de la Promenade-Bellerive;

      g. Create a major green space in the east, including the Grand Parc de l’Est and the green corridors, as well as the expansion of the Parc-nature du Bois d’Anjou, and work in collaboration with partners to create the Île Sainte-Thérèse Park.
    • 5.9 Le Havre de Montréal transformed by 2030

      Montréal’s island character has been ignored for too long. The time has come to reconnect the city to the Saint Lawrence, giving the public privileged access to this great river and creating a majestic entrance to the city. The revitalization of Le Havre de Montréal, between the Samuel De Champlain and Jacques Cartier Bridges, will make it possible to reach these goals, in addition to creating an environment on a human scale where industries, homes, offices and green spaces can coexist better. This major project will be carried out in collaboration with Parks Canada to ensure continuity with the Lachine Canal, another jewel of Montréal.

      a. Implement a common vision and an overall plan for the redevelopment of the waterfront and vacant lots between the Samuel de Champlain and Jacques Cartier Bridges, in collaboration with public organizations such as the Canada Lands Company and The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated;

      b. Continue transforming the Bonaventure highway into an urban boulevard and develop a waterfront promenade;

      c. Create a mixed-use neighbourhood in the Peel Basin, preserving local jobs and including a large number of affordable and social housing units, as well as public spaces;

      d. Develop Pointe-du-Moulin and ensure that the master plan for the Old Port is implemented, in collaboration with the Canada Lands Company;

      e. Create a permanent commemorative space for the Irish community at the Black Rock site, in collaboration with partners;

      f. Plan the transformation of the Molson Coors site;

      g. Implement the master plan for Parc Jean-Drapeau;

      h. Continue work on the Promenade fluviale du Grand Montréal project.