Céline-Audrey Beauregard
Céline-Audrey Beauregard has been a resident of Verdun for over seven years. It was an elementary school teaching position that led her to settle in the neighbourhood all those years ago. She still teaches thereand, in parallel with her job, she is completing a master's degree in social innovation at HEC.
This 31-year-old woman is involved in her community on many levels, whether by orchestrating citizen initiatives, greening the streets with the Escouade verte de Verdun or, for example, by setting up a pilot project for a youth food kiosk near the beach. She really wants to put citizens at the heart of solutions to the main issues in the area: that's why she also participated in a civic incubator at the Maison de l'innovation sociale with another citizen to rethink the use of the last few levels of the Éthel parking garage.
She is a dedicated teacher who dives straight into various projects. A few years ago, she set up a compost collection program in her school. Since then, she has been leading a green brigade, and educating children and adults alike. She is also in charge of the students' committee, in order to involve them in a small-scale democratic institution.
These personal and professional endeavours have motivated her to take a leap into politics.
This Verdunite is convinced that her background, her values and her approach give her all the necessary tools to address the challenges facing the Champlain-L'Île-des-Soeurs district.

The Team
We seek a mixed and inclusive living environment, with housing and jobs for all, and neighbourhoods with local shops and services as well as a rich and vibrant community life. We want to democratize culture and support citizen initiatives. Our priority is maintenance of municipal facilities: streets, parks, buildings, etc. We are committed to offering quality services to all social groups in an environment that favours the reduction of GHGs and our ecological footprint, to ensure our resilience to climate change.
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Enrique Machado
Borough Councillor

Marie-Andrée Mauger
Borough Mayor

Benoit Gratton
Borough Councillor

Véronique Tremblay
City Councillor

Kaïla Amaya Munro
Borough Councillor

Céline-Audrey Beauregard
Borough Councillor for the Champlain—L'Île-des-Sœurs district

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